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Making A Plan

Making A Plan

Getting into a workout routine can be pretty easy, following that plan is not. I have those friends or acquaintances, like many of us do, who say how they are going to start a diet and exercise routine. When I have revisited my friends who have made such claim,...
Taking The Leap

Taking The Leap

A really fun and simple thing to do with a big group of people is to go bridge jumping. Bridge jumping, when done right, is fun, safe and thrilling. The best part of it? Anyone can do it, spots are relatively easy to find, and everyone gets a chance to experience an...
Smoothies Sweet As Honey

Smoothies Sweet As Honey

All throughout high school, it seemed as though making a run to the Jamba Juice was a really common place to go. Consuming mostly healthy fruit snacks said to me “hey everyone, I am being more healthier than you and I want you to be jealous!” Regardless,...